1.7 million people reported anti-social behaviour to the police in 2021.*

ASB is<> a top priority for communities. Not a low-level crime, ASB causes serious harm to victims and communities.

Attend Westminster Insight’s Tackling Anti-Social Behaviour Digital Conference to hear about new measures, tools and funding following the Government’s 2023 Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan. The Rt Hon Chris Philp, Minister for Crime, Policing and Fire, who is responsible for ASB, will set out the Government’s approach.

It is vital that police, councils, housing providers, charities, and community groups work together to tackle antisocial behaviour. We will share practical insights and case studies on information sharing, case management, early intervention.  Swift intervention can prevent behaviour escalating to a more serious level and reduce the impact on victims.

We must do better when it comes to supporting victims of antisocial behaviour. You will listen to the experiences of victims of ASB from Baroness Newlove, Former Victims Commissioner. We will explore recent measures to increase reporting, support victims and ensure that perpetrators pay the price of their crimes.

We will discuss new initiatives such as ‘hotspot’ policing or ‘immediate justice’ schemes, new funding for crime prevention measures, and ASB Case Reviews. We will explore the rapid deployment of Community Payback team pilot schemes, with the aim to<> clean up fly-tipping, vandalism and littering within 48 hours.Don’t miss the opportunity to join your colleagues on our digital platform to hear from a senior line up of policy makers and multi agency expert practitioners. Ask your questions and network with colleagues.

*Resolve ASB

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