Are you one for making New Year’s resolutions, or do you ignore this tradition as you know you’ll have lost all motivation to stick to it, a few short weeks into the new year?   How about we shift the focus from individual, to organisational resolutions?

One thing I’m regularly asked in January, is whether I’ve made any New Year’s resolutions.  I’m not a New Year Resolutions person!  Ok, in the past, I’ve said I’ll lose weight, get fitter, decorate various parts of the house or overhaul the garden, cut out chocolate, attempt a 5k “fun run” (in my opinion, never has an activity been less accurately named!) or some other such personal ambition – only to either fail to start them completely or given up only a week or two (if that) in to the new year.  Willpower was never my strong suit!

However, I’m not alone in this.   According to research, only about 16% of people are able to stick to their resolutions, with the majority giving up within 1-6 weeks of starting.  Despite our best intentions, it can be difficult to persevere, whether it’s to start a new good habit, or give up a bad one – it comes down to motivation and opportunity. 

However, perhaps we in the voluntary and community sector could consider instead, the opportunity to make some “organisational resolutions” – plans to create better habits for our organisation, our people and ultimately, those we support. Read more