Open Age have been continuing apace with our development of a remote offering that our members can access from the safety of their own homes. After testing for a two week period we launched a very basic programme of remote activities on Monday the 4th May and have been steadily building on this ever since.
Our “How to use Zoom” classes have proved to be a popular and effective way of ensuring our members are able to access this new tool. In these sessions we invite small groups to join a teleconference where they are talked though how to download Zoom to their device and how to set up an account. They are then sent a meeting invite and talked though how to join a meeting before the session moves to using Zoom itself, and members are given a short introduction to its various features.
Between 4th and 15th May we ran 33 of these session for 93 members. All those that took part are now able to access our remote activity offered via Zoom.
For the Open Age Virtual activity programme for next week please click here.