We think funders should take a supportive and pragmatic approach to helping the organisations they fund throughout this period.

  • Speak to your funders about the impact of cancelling or delaying project activities which are part of funding agreements.
  • London Funders has released a joint statement, signed by an alliance of funders from across sectors, pledging to offer support to civil society groups affected by the coronavirus outbreak.
  • The Association of Charitable Funders have encouraged funders to contact their grantees and discuss how they can best support them.
  • Arts Council England will refocus grant programmes to support artists and freelancers who have lost income.
  • The Blagrave Trust has written to grant holders to reassure them of their continued support and flexibility around awarded funding and how it can be used.
  • In addition to signing the London Funders’ joint statement, the City Bridge Trust is promoting a survey from London Plus to assess the impact of covid-19 on London’s civil society.
  • Esmée Fairbairn is offering flexibility with payments and reporting dates and is offering grants plus support.
  • The Garfield Weston Foundation is continuing to support its grantees and will be as flexible as possible regarding projects and timelines.
  • Good Finance has released a joint statement from social funders stating their continued support and flexibility for all the organisations that they invest in.
  • JRF is focusing its efforts to support people on low incomes by working closely with people with direct experience of poverty and listening to their concerns.
  • The National Lottery Community Fund will continue funds to support people, communities and organisations.
  • Nesta will continue to support grantees and will be flexible if grantees need to stop work or change the work they are doing.
  • The Paul Hamlyn Foundation are adjusting reporting requirements and/or suspending them.
  • The UK Community Foundations is looking to coordinate its network of community foundations and partners to respond to the impact covid-19 will have on those they support.
  • The William Grant Foundation has converted all existing revenue grants to unrestricted for the current year.
  • In Scotland the Corra Foundation will continue to support grantees.
  • The Community Foundation will offer emergency funding for community organisations in Northern Ireland to assist older people who have been affected by covid-19.

Sourced from NCVO by Nigel Jacques, Sobus Organisational Development Officer