Hi, I am a London based actor. I have written a One Man play about the life of Martin Luther King Jnr.

About the production:
Throughout the performance a slide-show projects still images onto a screen. The images are of people and places mentioned in the play such as Rose Parks, Martin’s parents etc. There will be pre & post show music. The play runs for 55 minutes.
Dream of a King will be on tour across the UK from September 2017. If you would like to book Dream of a King please contact me by email: tajahchristopher7@yahoo.co.uk or call me on mobile: 07960542487

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&F GP Federation is working with Healthy London Partnership to improve local services for children and young people, and we’ve developed an online questionnaire to get your feedback about how we can best help.

It takes just 5 minutes to complete, is anonymous and confidential, and your answers will be used to deliver teaching and support that is targeted to your needs. Feedback from GPs is that just completing the questionnaire has actually helped them identify areas in which they need to develop.

Link to questionnaire: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/PH8H85J

This is a Guide to UK-based Free Mental Health Helplines by Cassiobury Court, please have a look and share it on your platforms too.