Registered charities that work to tackle family problems or problems facing one or more of its members can apply for grants of up to £5,000. Funding is available for both capital and revenue grants as well as grants for core funding and projects-based grants. The funding is being made available through the Kelly Family Charitable Trust which actively encourages applications from relatively new organisations to help them become established. The trust prefers to support charities whose income is below £500,000. However, larger charities with pioneering pilot projects will be considered. The next closing date for applications is the 1st March 2024. Funding of up to £5,000 Available to Tackle Problems within Families (UK)

In a highly competitive environment, how do you make your proposal stand out from the crowd? Here are some top tips from expert and trainer, Layla Masoovi Rivers. Take a look here


The Department of Health and Social Care has made £10 million in funding available to support suicide prevention activities delivered in England by voluntary, community and social enterprise organisations in 2023 to 2025. The Suicide Prevention Grant Fund will award grants of up to £750,000 to help organisations to configure their services and interventions to better meet the increased demand seen in recent years. The fund will prioritise activity targeted at high-risk groups such as children and young people, middle-aged men, people with a pre-existing mental illness, pregnant women and new mothers, people in contact with the justice system, and autistic people. The deadline for applications is 11:55pm on the 1st October 2023. £10 Million Fund to Support Suicide Prevention Services (England)

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to registered charities to fund equipment and services to support disabled and disadvantaged children under the age of 13 across the UK. The Toy Trust fund helps disadvantaged children and their families to alleviate suffering; support children through awful experiences; encourage achievement through adversity; purchase vital equipment; provide care; bolster existing initiatives; initiate brand new projects; and satisfy basic needs. Groups that have carried out some form of effective fundraising by themselves are particularly encouraged to apply. The next deadline to apply is mid-November 2023 for the December meeting of Trustees. Funding to Support Disabled & Disadvantaged Children (UK)

The Benefact Trust has launched a new funding programme to protect and enhance Christian buildings, ensuring their continued use and viability, and the safeguarding of their heritage. The Building Improvement Grants programme is open to applications from churches, cathedrals, denominational bodies, and Christian charities in the UK and Ireland, and will support capital costs such as essential repairs, improvements, equipment purchases, conservation and restoration, aesthetic enhancements, and energy efficiency measures. There is no minimum or maximum award specified, but applicants will need to secure at least 30% of their total project costs before making an application. Funding will be awarded at the discretion of the trustees. Applications can be made at any time. Funding to Repair & Improve Christian Buildings (UK & Ireland)

Small grants of up to £400 are available to support vulnerable older people living on low incomes in England and Wales. Friends of the Elderly currently have four grant streams open for older people who are of/over state pension age, have savings of less than £4,000, and who do not fit the criteria for other funders. Whilst priority will be given to funding essential items including clothing, food, medicines, and books, the funding can also be used to help with the cost of replacing everyday items, small home repairs and mobility adaptations; help older people get online; and to help with unexpected bills. Applications must be made via a third-party Referral Agent such as a charity, local authority, housing association, Information, Advice and Guidance provider or social services representative. Applications can be made at any time. Grants for Older People on Low Incomes (England & Wales)

The Arts Society has announced that it is now accepting applications from UK-registered charities with an annual turnover of less than £3 million for initiatives that make a difference in people’s lives through the arts. The Arts Society is looking for applications for arts projects or programmes that support a wide range of activities to introduce people of all ages and backgrounds to and engage them in, artistic experience and practice. Projects and programmes that further the development and training of skills in the arts, crafts and heritage are also welcome.. This might include bursaries for individual students, and sponsorship for craft apprentices. The closing date for applications is the 30th September 2023. The Arts Society Launches its Autum Funding Round (UK)

Grants of up to £10,000 are available to support small, grass-roots and local charities which are currently delivering services to the young, vulnerable, elderly, disadvantaged or the general community across the UK. The funding, which is being made available through Foyle Foundation’s Small Grants Scheme, can be used to cover projects, core costs, building projects, or essential equipment to enable ongoing service provision for charities with a turnover of less than £150,000 per annum that can show financial stability and a clear need for their services. Competition for funding is expected to be strong. Applications can be submitted at any time. Grants of up to £10,000 to Support Grassroots Charities (UK)

Registered charities and exempt bodies in London planning building refurbishment projects of less than £200,000 can apply for grants of between £5,000 and £10,000. The building work can include general refurbishments or a specific scheme; repairs; creating disabled access; or fulfilling of Health and Safety requirements or fire protection. The funding is being provided through the Rose Foundation and applications can be submitted until the 31st March 2024. Funding for Charity Building Projects (London)

Grants of up to £5,000 are available to local charities and not for profit organisations for projects that will fix, repair, maintain and improve properties and community facilities for of those in need in the UK. The funding is being made available through the Screwfix Foundations and the grants are available for all kinds of projects, from repairing buildings and improving facilities in deprived areas, to decorating the homes of people living with sickness and disabilities. Applications are reviewed on a quarterly basis. The next closing date for applications is the 10th November 2023.Screwfix Foundation (UK)