The H&F Cost of Living – Summer Alliance Conference is on 11 July.

The Eventbrite link is: H&F Cost of Living – Summer Alliance Conference, 11 July 2024 – sign up for eventbrite tickets

Research shows that 25,000-30,000 of women develop post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth in the UK each year. Studies have also demonstrated a link between baby loss, PTSD and depression.

Attend Westminster Insight’s Supporting Women through Birth Trauma and Pregnancy Loss Digital Conference to hear practical guidance from a panel of experts, including the recommendations from the recent Inquiries. 

  • The Birth Trauma Inquiry launched in UK Parliament in January 2024, and will develop policy recommendations to reduce the rate of birth trauma and improve care and support for mothers and their partners.
  • The Pregnancy Loss Review made recommendations aiming to improve the safety and care experience for all those who have a pre-24-week baby loss.

We will highlight examples of good practice in providing support to women who have had traumatic birth experiences, or experienced baby loss. Attend online to meet your colleagues and share best practice and challenges.

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15% of UK households – some 8 million adults and 3 million children – experienced food insecurity in January 2024. 60% of food-insecure households reported buying less fruit and 44% bought fewer vegetables. In January 2023, the Food Foundation estimated 24% of households with children were living in food insecurity. The largest network of foodbanks in the UK, the Trussell Trust, provided a record 2.99 million three-day emergency food supplies in 2022/23. Children are facing the brunt of rising UK food poverty. 3% of the UK population used a food bank in 2021/22, including 6% of children. According to government data, 4.7 million people (7%) in the UK were in food insecure households in 2021/22, including 12% of children. Of the 11 million people identified to be in relative poverty, 15% were in food-insecure households, including 21% of children who also comprised the highest percentage of people living in households with ‘very low’ food security in 2021/22. It is estimated that 2 million pupils, or 23.8% of state-funded pupils, were eligible for free school meals (FSM) as of January 2023. According to government figures, pupils eligible for FSM typically perform worse in GCSEs than other students.

In England, the government’s FSM initiatives require local authorities to provide eligible pupils with weekday nutritious term-time meals. If eligible for free school meals, families will receive a monthly ‘cost of living’ voucher, worth £15 per month, per child, with an additional payment of £30 for the summer and for December, totalling £240 a year per child. Additionally, the Healthy Start NHS scheme helps women who are pregnant or have young children and are receiving benefits, to buy foods such as milk or fruit. Presently, a Private Member’s School Breakfast Bill, sponsored by Emma Lewell-Buck MP, is being debated in Parliament.

The Local Government Association (LGA) urges the government to raise the eligibility requirements for Healthy Start and FSM to all Universal Credit-eligible households, switch to an automatic FSM enrolment mechanism, and support multi-sector food partnerships. According to the LGA, the primary safety net for all low-income households should be the national benefit system. However, it does not cover people’s real cost of living which is the main cause of food poverty. More than half of Universal Credit users experienced food hardship in September 2022. Several English councils offer FMS to all primary school students in their districts despite severe financial constraints, including Southwark Council, where 38% of children are impoverished, whereas many families earning more than £7,400 per year would not qualify for FSM under the national offer. The Food Foundation agrees, stating that the government’s approach has ‘missed the mark’ because rising numbers of low-income households are now even more vulnerable to diet-related illnesses. Similar criticism of the present FSM eligibility process has come from the Child Poverty Action Group, which has warned against means testing. Under the No Child Left Behind campaign, the National Education Union is also advocating for FSM for all English primary school students. In Scotland and Wales, meanwhile, government money is enabling primary schools to transition to providing FSM for all students.

This symposium will serve as an invaluable opportunity to bring together stakeholders, including healthcare professionals, charities, local authorities, policymakers, and schools, to discuss the underlying causes of child food poverty evaluate current efforts to tackle food insecurity and improve access to healthy food, and exchange views on avenues for improvement.


  • Examine government policies to combat child food poverty, such as Healthy Start and Free School Meals
  • Discuss how the cost-of-living crisis has affected child food poverty and the services provided to food-insecure children
  • Determine the root causes of child food poverty and evaluate possible solutions
  • Discuss the roles that charities, local government, and schools should play in ending child food poverty
  • Establish the importance of early intervention in reducing adverse outcomes for food-insecure children
  • Analyse ways to bridge the gap between food waste and child food poverty
  • Discuss ways to bolster nutritional safety nets to shield children from undernourishment and improve diets
  • Consider increasing the role of food education in the school curriculum

Webinar 11th July 2024. To register for the briefing, please click here.

Research shows that 25,000-30,000 of women develop post-traumatic stress disorder after giving birth in the UK each year. Studies have also demonstrated a link between baby loss, PTSD and depression.

Attend Westminster Insight’s Supporting Women through Birth Trauma and Pregnancy Loss Digital Conference to hear practical guidance from a panel of experts, including the recommendations from the recent Inquiries.

  • The Birth Trauma Inquiry launched in UK Parliament in January 2024, and will develop policy recommendations to reduce the rate of birth trauma and improve care and support for mothers and their partners.
  • The Pregnancy Loss Review made recommendations aiming to improve the safety and care experience for all those who have a pre-24-week baby loss.

Chaired by Kim Thomas, CEO, Birth Trauma Association, we will highlight examples of good practice in providing support to women and their partners who have had traumatic birth experiences, or experienced baby loss.

We recommend early booking – use code early4290 to receive a 20% discount when you book online before Friday 17th May.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Chair: Kim Thomas, CEO, Birth Trauma Association
  • Dr Hazel Keedle, Senior Lecturer of Midwifery at The School of Nursing and Midwifery, Western Sydney University
  • Professor Angie Doshani, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust
  • Dr Rebecca Moore, Perinatal Psychiatrist & Co-founder, Make Birth Better
  • Dr Athena Duffy, Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Psychology Lead for Perinatal Mental Health Community Service (PMHCS), Maternal Mental Health Service (Thrive) and Rosewood Mother and Baby Unit (MBU), Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust

Full speaker list to be confirmed shortly.

Key points:

  • Learning from the Birth Trauma Inquiry
  • Acting on the Pregnancy Loss Review
  • Supporting women recovering from trauma and PTSD associated with baby loss and/or birth trauma
  • Addressing inequalities in treatment among ethnic minority groups
  • Diagnosing and treating women’s physical and mental health problems
  • Improving the quality and accessibility of information regarding trauma and baby loss
  • Ensuring that care is compassionate, individualised, and respectful
  • Integrating trauma-informed care across maternity care services
  • Supporting and empowering staff
  • Exploring EMDR psychotherapy and its role in helping individuals to process and recover from past traumatic experiences.

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We are delighted that the 16th annual Trustee Exchange returns to BMA House on the 24th April 2024.

The Trustee Exchange programme is designed to provide excellent coverage of a wide range of topical matters that are relevant to charity trustees, regardless of organisational size. Don’t miss out, book now.

Featuring three themed streams, panel debates and insightful keynotes, we are delighted to give you the opportunity to come together in-person to share best practice, discuss ideas and challenges, and network with fellow delegates.

Westminster Insight’s Volunteer Management Conference is ideally timed to look at the key challenges and opportunities facing volunteer managers in 2024 and to explore what the future looks like for volunteering in the UK.

You will learn how to adapt every aspect of the volunteer journey to challenging times, including; planning, recruitment, induction, support, and development.

Hear directly from a member of the NHS Volunteering Taskforce about their recommendations for optimising volunteer time to improve service delivery, which can be applied to all organisations.

Put your questions to a panel of volunteers about what contributes towards a good volunteer experience and explore how to improve retainment through reward, recognition and routes to paid roles.

Take away advice on how to improve your advertising and recruiting to ensure you are reaching diverse audiences, overcoming any barriers to inclusivity and engaging the new generation of volunteers.

Minimise risk to your organisation by having your legal queries answered in our legal troubleshooting session covering issues such as safeguarding, data protection, health and safety and equality.

We recommend early booking. We look forward to bringing you the programme and speaker line-up shortly. Receive 20% off until Friday 1st March 2024 with discount code EARLY4203.

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We are delighted to give you advance notice of our new Volunteer Management Conference, taking place on 30th April 2024.

Join us for a full day of insightful discussions, networking and knowledge sharing as we discuss the key challenges and opportunities facing volunteer managers in 2024 and explore what the future looks like for volunteering in the UK.

You will learn how to adapt every aspect of the volunteer journey to challenging times, including; planning, recruitment, induction, support, and development.

Hear directly from expert speakers and take away advice on how to improve your advertising and recruiting to ensure you are reaching diverse audiences, overcoming any barriers to inclusivity and engaging the new generation of volunteers.

Minimise risk to your organisation by having your legal queries answered in our legal troubleshooting session covering issues such as safeguarding, data protection, health and safety and equality.

We recommend early booking.We look forward to bringing you the programme and speaker line-up shortly. Receive 20% off until Friday 1st March 2024 with discount code early4203.

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We are delighted to give you advance notice of Westminster Insight’s Neurodivergence in Education Conference, taking place in Central London and Online on Tuesday 26th March 2024. 

Every classroom is neurodiverse. At this practical one-day conference, we will share the latest insights and practical guidance for supportingneurodivergent students in education, and building inclusive cultures that allow all students to thrive.

By adopting a whole school approach to neurodiversity, you will<> promote belonging for neurodivergent students and create a neurodivergent-friendly workplace culture which also supports staff.

At this timely conference, you will hear from experts in education and neurodiversity on how to better identify neurodivergence in students and improve your understanding of the key challenges for neurodivergent pupils. You will hear best practice guidance for creating a positive learning environment, empowering neurodivergent learners<> and tailoring approaches to the needs of the individual student.

We will share practical solutions to help neurodivergent students to develop personal resilience and improve self-esteem; and approaches that   prioritise inclusion and well-being. We will spotlight the link between neurodivergence on mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression, and emotionally based school avoidance.  We will focus on trauma-informed education, and you will learn how to adapt teaching techniques to improve accessibility and outcomes. We will also discuss protective factors that can help to avoid or minimise burnout for neurodivergent pupils.

Gain updates on policy and guidance for supporting neurodivergent pupils in education, including recent Government proposals to enhance support for neurodivergent pupils following the publication of its SEND and Alternative Provision Improvement Plan.

Bringing together practical case studies and specialist insights, attend to meet experts in neurodiversity and education, Headteachers, SENDCOs, mental health support teams and more, from across the country. 

We recommend early booking. We look forward to bringing you the programme and speaker line-up shortly.

Choose to attend in-person or online.

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Join Westminster Insight’s annual Safeguarding Adults Digital Conference for your chance to gain crucial updates and practical guidance for the sector. 

With a focus on effective multi-agency working, the practical, one-day conference will focus on collaborative working and information sharing to improve the protection of vulnerable adults.

Kathryn Smith, Chief Executive , Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) will outline new priorities, trends and lessons for protecting vulnerable adults.

With the new CQC inspections due to be rolled out soon, this conference is ideally timed to provide you with the knowledge and tools to demonstrate your compliance with safeguarding requirements under the new Single Inspection Framework. Understand the new quality statements for safeguarding and how to conduct effective and compliant internal investigations surrounding safeguarding concerns.

You will receive an update on the legal framework around safeguarding, including the section 42 Care Act duty, DoLS, MCA and the LPS delay and potential future reform.

Hear how to better embed lived experience into your service provision and to ensure safeguarding is centred around the person. You will hear how one region is embedding a trauma informed approach to safeguarding.

The conference will be delivered live from a bespoke digital platform, join us online to hear the latest updates and to discuss challenges with safeguarding peers and partners from across local authorities, health services, police, emergency services, social housing and the voluntary sector. 

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I am delighted to announce Trustee Exchange conference will return to BMA House, London on Wednesday 24 April 2024.

Charities continue to require expert advice and guidance on several perennial issues, and this year’s

conference will cover many of these, including investment, finance and audit, fundraising, technology, regulation, and the Charity Governance Code.

The sector is also facing many new challenges, particularly regarding diversity, social justice, and the difficulties of ensuring that boards, organisations, values, and services genuinely reflect the people charities serve. We have incorporated some of these complex considerations into the program as well.

Sessions will comprise a mix of technical and regulatory updates, practical case studies, and lively panel discussions, plus we will provide plenty of opportunities to network with fellow delegates.

View the full programme and find out more online.