Entries by Carita Magnani

Two Minutes to Remember, by Sue Spiller, Sobus CEO

I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again – it seems that there are days to celebrate just about everything in every month throughout the year.  You have to admire the creative minds and advertising executives who came up with the ideas of Roast Dinner Day (7th), British Pudding Day (9th) and the intriguing, if […]

Powering Up (or Off), by Sue Spiller, Sobus CEO

Like many of you, and the residents you support we’re all more worried than ever at increasing costs.  I had a smart meter installed at the beginning of November, and it was quite a surprise to see exactly how much energy some of our day to day electrical items were using.  Turning on the kettle […]

Loan Programme to Help Charities with Rising Energy Costs (England)

Charities and social enterprises in England which are struggling with rising energy costs can apply for unsecured loans of between £20,000 and £150,000 to install energy efficiency and renewable energy measures. The lending programme will enable organisations to save money on energy by installing a variety of measures such as more efficient lights, insulation or […]

Grants to Provide Warm Spaces for Vulnerable People (London)

Charities and other not-for-profit organisations can ally for grants of up to £2,000 as part of a City of London Corporation campaign to offer ‘warm space’ events for vulnerable people throughout the winter. The Corporatiom will support organisations to hold events anywhere in the City of London and on the housing estates it runs across […]

Aviva Community Fund Boost Applications Now Open

If your project is aligned with Aviva’s ‘Financial Wellbeing’ funding area you can apply to the Aviva Community Fund for a ‘boost’. They’ll match every individual donation you receive up to £250, to help with cost-of-living pressures. Find out more here.

Urgent Survey on the Cost-of-Living Crisis – Please Respond!

We’re all busy but please take a few minutes to complete the State of the Social Sector survey today! This will gather vital data about the current environment for charities and support coordinated sector influencing of government policy. It’s open until Monday 21 November but don’t delay – fill out the survey here.

News from The Charity Commision – Share this with Your Trustees

Please forward this news to your charity’s trustees, who are sometimes known as directors, board members, governors or committee members. Charity Commission News contains essential information that you and your charity’s trustees need to be aware of. The information will help you manage your charity effectively. This week is trustees week Get ready for this […]

Supporting Local Groups

Makerble is an organisational tool and case management system that looks like Facebook. With it you can create external referral forms, manage waiting lists, organise sessions, track attendance and report outcomes. Charities and Groups that use Makerble find that their ability to attract funding increases because it is now so easy for them to prove […]