Entries by Carita Magnani

Funding Towards Data Protection Consultancy Services (UK)

The DPO Centre, which is a leading Data Protection Officer resource centre, delivering expert data protection and privacy advice, will be inviting applications to their Charity and Community Fund, which provides charities and not-for-profit organisations with access to their data protection consultancy services at an 80% reduced rate. Applicants will receive support from subject matter […]


Less is More – A Toolbox for Modern Grant Makers

‘In our experience, foundations often transform themselves step by step by integrating new approaches into existing and proven processes. Therefore, we have structured this guide like a toolbox containing compartments for the different steps of a funding process: for the application phase, the reporting requirements, the grant restrictions and grant agreements, as well as the […]

What is the Art of Storytelling on Social Media?

“Social media is now widely accepted as a crucial part of any organisation’s comms strategy. But what does ‘good social media’ look like? Not just on particular platforms, but across all of them? It’s a question I hear a lot and it might be something that you, your team, or, perhaps, your whole organisation struggle […]

Feeling SAD? Sue Spiller, Sobus CEO

While many of us enjoy the lead up to the festive season, and spending time with friends and family until the New Year, January can often bring a bit of a slump in our mood.  Taking care of our mental health is absolutely vital – especially those working and volunteering in voluntary and community services […]

….Strikes Again!

Be aware of the upcoming industrial action dates during January 2023 A slew of industrial action and strikes have been well reported in the news in recent months, with transport industries, NHS staff and others walking out in protest.  Here are the dates of the strike action currently planned for January.  This may well change […]

Being Resolute, Sue Spiller, Sobus CEO

Are you one for making New Year’s resolutions, or do you ignore this tradition as you know you’ll have lost all motivation to stick to it, a few short weeks into the new year?   How about we shift the focus from individual, to organisational resolutions? One thing I’m regularly asked in January, is whether I’ve […]

A Welcome Return from Sue Spiller, Sobus CEO

Happy New Year!  Here’s hoping 2023 will be a successful year for us all.  The Sobus team has returned to work this week, after a much deserved rest over the Christmas and New Year period. January is often a bit quieter, giving us an opportunity to take a couple of weeks to catch up with […]