Entries by Carita Magnani

A Word from Sobus CEO, Sue Spiller

For me, as for many others, Christmas seems to have crept up on me again this year!  One minute it was the start of the school term, and what feels like 5 minutes later, its time to haul the Christmas tree out again and spend a considerable amount of time untangling miles of Christmas lights! […]


CEO Forum, October 2019

In October 2019, the London Borough of Hammersmith & Fulham Cabinet agreed a report, “Developing Our Relationship With the Voluntary & Community Sector”.  The report set out an emerging new relationship between LBHF and the local voluntary sector. Find the full report here. Sobus convened a CEO forum on 15th October, and were delighted that […]


Sobus’ Local Businesses Coffee Morning at Freston Road Hub, W10

Friday 13th December, 8.30am to 10am at Freston Road Hub, 196 Freston Road, W10 6TT: Are you ready for end of year taxes?  Hear from local business finance expert Ily Maisanda Find out more about what’s happening at Imperial College’s local development Sample some delicious seasonal nibbles from “Roti Mums” Meet and network with other […]


Small Charities: Transform your Fundraising & Governance, Just £12.50 – £25

If you’re a #smallbutvital charity in or around London, don’t miss the FSI’s popular small charity training this 4th and 5th February. Explore 14 different courses covering topics such as trusts & foundations, project management, fundraising strategy, charity leadership, earned income and many more! These sessions are heavily subsidised and fill up fast, so book your spaces now: https://bit.ly/2OqX8N7 Full course list: Boards […]


Purls Club, A New Community Group

A new community group is using knitting and crocheting sessions to help combat loneliness – while giving the clothing they make to homeless people to stay warm! ‘The Purls Club’ was formed this summer and meets each week at The Invention Rooms Cafe on the Imperial College campus in White City. If you’d like to […]

Fundraising Resources fromThe DSC Team

Whether you’re on the front-line as a fundraiser, work on creating effective communications or manage from the top down, fundraising is integral for many of you. Scroll down for the latest in fundraising resources, including top tips, training and books.    

H&F Health Information Materials

Hammersmith and Fulham CCG has published an informative leaflet, on where to access local medical help and advice, as part of a co-produced communications campaign with the Healthwatch Hammersmith and Fulham Local Committee. It includes information about the resulting changes from its consultation, which Healthwatch Central West London assisted with earlier this year. You can […]


Say Yes to Work Experience!

Changing Education are a national EBP who work with 150 schools and colleges all over the country, with the sole purpose of creating strong links with employers. To join the 65,321 organisations already to have pledged their support click here!