Entries by Carita Magnani


Funding : What Should I Expect from Funders?

We think funders should take a supportive and pragmatic approach to helping the organisations they fund throughout this period. Speak to your funders about the impact of cancelling or delaying project activities which are part of funding agreements. London Funders has released a joint statement, signed by an alliance of funders from across sectors, pledging to […]


After a week of high-level discussions between charity leaders and national government, it’s sadly all too clear that amidst the COVID19 crisis our political leaders are not taking the threat to the charity sector and its millions of beneficiaries seriously enough. We must now mobilise every voice so that the message gets through loud and […]


Funding & COVID-19

Sobus has received feedback from several organisations on service delivery and their concerns in the present COVID 19 crisis. Many organisations are having to scale down services for a variety of reasons whilst others are facing increasing demand. Most organisations will also face financial pressures during this period. Funding is obviously critical and funders are […]

NCVO Information & Guidance About Coronavirus

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) has published information and guidance about coronavirus intended to help community and voluntary organisations and volunteers to decide next steps they may need to take in light of the spread of the covid-19 virus. Their page is updated daily with the latest government advice and what this means for voluntary organisations, as well as signposting to […]

Grants of up to £10,000 Available for Community Projects (London)

Grants of between £500 and £10,000 are now available to charities, CIC’s, CIO’s and voluntary organisations working for the benefit of communities or beneficiaries within the City of London and its housing estates across London. The Stronger Communities Fund is part of the City of London Corporation Central Grants programme and has been separated into […]

Advice on Working from Home When You Are Not a Remote Team

Working from home offers people more flexibility and were you a remote company, you could build a culture where people set their own hours and work at their own pace. However, under these circumstances, you may decide it is important that people maintain their normal office hours and are expected to be online and responsive […]

Online Training Courses

Have you check out these 18 online DSC training courses ? With all modules delivered at an introductory level, course themes include: Management & leadership Personal development Finance & law Marketing & communications Not only that, but they are all only £5.99 each! Look online to find out more.  

Funding to Champion the Rights of Deaf & Disabled People (London)

Deaf and Disabled People’s Organisations (DPPOs) in London can apply for grants of up to £150,000 to champion the rights of Deaf and Disabled people. The fund is being made available by Trust for London and City Bridge Trust as part of Phase 2 of their Strengthening Voices, Realising Rights Initiative. The aim of the […]