Entries by Carita Magnani

Advice & Support from H&F Law Centre

Hammersmith & Fulham Law Centre is still open and we are continuing to give advice and support to organisations in the borough. Your clients may be homeless, facing eviction or have questions about their tenancies, benefit or immigration or the European Union Resettlement Scheme, family or employment issues. For an information sheet to assist with […]

Standard Life Foundation: New Fast Track Grant Scheme

The Standard Life Foundation has opened a new fast track grant scheme in light of the Coronavirus, funding work that relates directly to the pandemic. The grant programme is for projects that can be started in the new few weeks and tackle financial problems and improve living standards for those on low-to-middle incomes in the […]

London Community Response Fund: Wave 2 Has Opened

Wave 1 of funding from the London Community Response Fund has now closed to applicants and Wave 2 has opened. As of April 9th, two funding programmes are available with wave 2; the crisis response programme and the delivering differently programme. The Crisis Response programme is for grants of up to £10,000 to enable organisations […]

Hire Exceptional Autistic Freelancers!

Spectroomz is a platform for you to benefit from the employment of exceptional, highly motivated, autistic freelancers. It also enables autistic people to work from home and avoid the stress associated with the traditional workplace, with COVID-19 a further reason to promote remote employment.

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BAME Covid-19 Emergency Planning Group

The Ubele Initiative highlights to government urgent concern that BAME communities who are both on the frontline dealing with outbreak and are set to face disproportionate impacts, are not being adequately included and considered in decisions being made by government and civil society leadership. Find out more.


Campaign to Support Seniors Who are Socially Isolated Throughout Covid-19

The Bring Joy Foundation has launched a campaign to support seniors who are socially isolated throughout the COVID-19 crisis. Donations can be made via justgiving.com/campaign/HomeIsolation. Funds will be distributed to local community groups and Home Instead Senior Care offices to supply craft materials, activities, communication tools and assistive technology to seniors to support them in […]


DSC Relaunch #EverybodyBenefits Campaign

DSC say they are dissapointed with the government’s support package for charities, but still pushing desperately for the help we all need. They’re wrestling with the implications of what’s been announced and looking at the gaps that leaves, and will be back arguing the case for more help after the Easter weekend. In the meantime, they’re […]