Entries by Carita Magnani

FREE Digital Online Learning

Start our free course to discover just some of the ways businesses can reach and connect with more customers online. Plus, learn how to improve your search engine performance (SEO), and use online advertising (SEM) to boost sales and awareness. Click here

How to Use Video Conferencing & Virtual Meetings

With video conferencing and virtual meetings on the rise remember that whichever platform you choose to use, you must comply with GDPR if recording meetings. Zoom is a desktop-based app that makes having virtual meetings a lot easier. For easy to follow links on how to use Zoom, click here For online training on how […]

COVID-19 Emergency Surplus Food Grant – Phase 2 (England)

The UK Government in collaboration with the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) has launched phase 2 of its Emergency Surplus Food Grant. The aim of the £1 million grant scheme is to provide support to small and micro-sized not-for-profit food redistributors who can redistribute surplus food from retailers, wholesalers and food manufacturers to vulnerable […]


Upcoming Parliamentary Committee Calls for Evidence

Several Parliamentary Committees currently taking evidence on the impact of COVID19 that will be relevant to charities. The Women and Equalities is accepting evidence on the impact on people with protected characteristics up until 30 April. The Housing, Communities and Local Government Committee is accepting evidence on the impact on homelessness and the private rented […]

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Extended – Claims Portal Opened

The Chancellor announced last week that the so-called ‘furlough’ scheme has been extended until the end of June. The process for submitting claims also opened on Monday, allowing organisations currently furloughing staff to be reimbursed for 80% of staff costs. According to the Government, 5000 HMRC staff have been allocated to operate the scheme. Find […]