Entries by Carita Magnani

Free Counselling & Life Coaching for London’s LGBT+, BAME & HIV Communities

Following on from the second announcement of the new national lockdown, Living Well is currently able to offer free mental health and wellbeing service for any Londoners from the HIV, LGBT+ or BAME communities who are over 18 and struggling with the impact of the COVID restrictions, e.g. suffering from anxiety, depression, stress, loneliness or isolation. Living Well’s CONNECT […]


Entries Open for The Business Charity Awards 2021

The Business Charity Awards, which recognise the work of people and teams behind corporate and charity partnerships, have opened to entries for 2021. Third Sector have reported that the awards will feature 25 categories, spanning sector partnerships and teams. Entries are also open for people to nominate either themselves or a colleague to sit on the […]


FSI: Online Fundraising Workshop Collection

We are super excited to bring you the first Northern Fundraising Workshop Collection in December! This is a collection of interactive fundraising workshops delivered by the FSI team, sponsored by the Fundraising Regulator. The day will consist of series of core workshops tailored to small charities which will contain practical takeaways and inspiration to take you through your fundraising […]

FREE Face Masks for Community Groups

Harrow Club has received 30,000 donated disposable 3-ply face masks and will be offering the bulk of them for free for any Community Group or body doing activities locally, including to redistribute to their service users. Interested parties should contact Liam Clipsham (M. 07888 652238/ E. liam@harrowclubw10.org) so we can get them ready. Ideally, pick-up […]

Homelessness Winter Transformation Fund Opens for Applications (England)

Homelessness, faith, community and voluntary sector organisations can now apply for funding of between £10,000 and £100,000 to provide single room and COVID-19 secure accommodation for people experiencing homelessness this winter. The £2 million Homelessness Winter Transformation Fund will award grants to support traditional, dormitory-style night shelter provision and will seek to produce a legacy […]

Community Business Trade Up Programme Opens for Applications (England)

The School for Social Entrepreneurs has announced that its Community Business Trade Up programme is open. The programme is open to community businesses in England that exists to improve their local neighbourhood, village or town and who want to recover and rebuild their income from trading and pandemic proof their business. The programme will provide […]