Entries by Carita Magnani

New £4 Million Fund to Tackle Loneliness (England)

Small charities and community groups in England will be able to apply for grants of up to £2,500 for projects and activities that reduce loneliness by helping people feel more connected. The funding is being made available through the new £4 million Local Connections Fund which is made up of £2 million from the Government […]

NAVCA Appoints New Chief Executive

The National Association of Voluntary and Community Action (NAVCA) has appointed a new Chief Executive to succeed Jane Ide, who stepped down last month. Maddy Desforges is currently the chief executive of NAVCA member Voluntary Action Sheffield. She will be taking up her new role in March 2021. Find out more.


Government Publishes New Procurement Green Paper

A green paper is a government policy consultation paper which is sets out planned policy reforms for people to respond to, which then may be subsequently published as a white paper and further legislation as required. This green paper sets out government proposals on the procurement of public services in the context of Britain leaving […]

DSC Training February 2021

Please click on the links below for information: The Essentials of Individual Giving – Monday 1 February Tools & Techniques for Problem-Solving – Wednesday 3 February Maximising Support from Trusts & Foundations – Wednesday 3 February Business Writing Skills – Thursday 4 February Moving into Customer Services – Monday 8 February Financial Governance for Trustees […]

Funding for Projects that Address Severe Learning Disabilities (UK)

Schools, voluntary organisations and charities can apply for grants to help both children and adults suffering severe learning difficulties. The funding is being made available through the Baily Thomas General grants programme and can be used to purchase equipment, support capital works as well as covering project and core costs such as staff costs, general […]