Entries by Carita Magnani

NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund (UK)

Charities, schools, and community groups can apply for grants of up to £1,000 through the NFU Mutual Community Giving Fund. The fund is available in areas that are local to NFU operations in the UK. Applications are likely to be more successful if they meet one or more of the funds priorities. These are connecting […]

Outside Edge is Recruiting for a Chair of The Board of Trustees

Remuneration: The role of Chair is not accompanied by any financial remuneration, although expenses for travel may be claimed. Time Commitment: Minimum of four Board meetings per year. The Chair is expected to have regular meetings with the AD / CEO, and also represent OETC at various events and meetings with key stakeholders. In total, […]

Living Medicine: Self Care Basics

Living Medicine shows how we can feel better, manage long-term conditions and treat minor ailments with foods, herbs and simple lifestyle changes. Discovering the wonderful ways plants support our bodies reveals a new world in which we are part of, and can work with, nature. Understanding how to use food remedies gives us control and […]