Entries by Carita Magnani

Lloyds Bank Foundation for England and Wales

Unrestricted grants of up to £50,000 are available to small and local charities working with people to overcome complex social issues across England and Wales. The social issues supported by the foundation are: • Addiction or dependency on alcohol, drugs, and/or gambling • Asylum seekers and refugees • Care leavers • Domestic and sexual abuse […]

The Wild Mind Project

The Wild Mind Project run programmes to support young people experiencing mental ill-health, including specific LGBTQ+ programmes. We also run workshops for parents/carers and young people to attend together. COVID-19: As a charitable therapy service, The Wild Mind Project are able to continue operating. Full Covid-19 safety protocols are adhered to. The next programme starts on the […]

Magic Little Grants 2021

Grants of £500 are available to charities, community groups and schools that are either in their first year of operation of have an annual income of under £250,000. The fund will support the following themes: 1. Improving mental wellbeing 2. Enabling community participation in the arts 3. Preventing or reducing the impact of poverty 4. […]

Funding for Creative & Mental Health Opportunities for Ethnically Diverse Communities (UK)

The Baring Foundation’s Arts Programme has launched a new Fund supporting projects that promote the use of art to address mental health problems in people from ethnically diverse backgrounds. Grants of between £10,000 and £40,000 are available to charities and not-for-profit arts organisations that focus on offering creative opportunities to people living with mental health […]

The London Mayor’s Resilience Fund

The aim of £1 million challenge fund is to incentivise innovators to address socially impactful issues facing London, help the city emerge stronger from COVID-19 and ensure the capital is prepared for future disruptive challenges. The closing date for applications is Thursday 1 April 2021. Click here for further information on the fund.