Entries by Carita Magnani

Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust – Rights and Justice

Funding is currently available through the trust’s Rights and Justice grant programme for organisations responding to the ‘dual harms of Covid-19 and systemic racism’. According to its website, the following work will be supported: • Collation of evidence of lived experience of structural inequalities arising from the impact of or responses to Covid-19 for black […]

Haysmacintyre Charity Finance Briefing

Got questions about reporting, audits, or any other charity finance issues relating to COVID? Haysmacintyre’s latest finance briefing covers the key things you and your finance team need to know. Click here to read the briefing.

COVID-19 Support from HMRC

If you’re struggling to work out your options and obligations regarding VAT and tax payments as a result of COVID-19, HMRC has set up a dedicated COVID-19 helpline to assist any business or self-employed individual providing advice, support and tax instalment arrangements. You can call them on  0800 024 1222. Click here for additional guidance […]

Call for Evidence: The Potential of Civil Society

The Law Family Commission on Civil Society is seeking input on a range of questions about how to unleash the full potential of civil society in the 2020s. It is open for anyone – civil society organisations and participants, policy makers and businesses. Find out more and submit your responses here.

DfE Updated Guidance

Following the PM’s announcement on Monday 20th February 2021, the DfE has updated the out-of-school settings guidance to provide more information on who can attend out-of-school settings (OOSS) from 8th March, and what measures should be put in place to reduce the risk of transmission in OOSS. The updated guidance documents are available at the usual links here […]

Women Entrepreneurs Workshop

The Women Entrepreneurs Workshop provides an opportunity for women* in West London to explore entrepreneurship as a career, enhance their skills and confidence, develop additional employability skills and understand how to grow their existing business and network. Upstream and Imperial College London are developing a community for women with an entrepreneurial spirit, who are empowered […]

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion – What Should Charities Be Doing?

2020 saw thousands of people across the UK take to the streets as part of the Black Lives Matter protests and many more engage through social media. Several charities published statements expressing solidarity with the movement and pledged to take action to make their organisations more diverse and inclusive. So, what next? We all know […]