Entries by Carita Magnani

Boost Choose Now Change Lives programme Opens for Applications (UK)

Boost Drinks has launched the Choose Now, Change Lives community grants scheme to help groups benefit their local area. The scheme is inviting charities, community groups, local authorities, health authorities, social housing, and other not-for-profit organisations to nominate themselves for a share of the £20,000 grant fund. This could include community sports clubs, community action […]

Youth Centre Recovery Fund (England)

The Julia and Hans Rausing Trust has announced an £8 million fund to help charities that run youth centres survive and recover from the impact of Covid-19. Funding will be for core costs and will cover the period from 1 April – 30 September 2021. There is no fixed grant amount. The deadline for applications […]

Does Your Charity Work with Contractors?

HMRC has issued new guidance on how to comply with off-payroll working rules (IR35) that are coming into force on 6 April 2021. This will affect your charity if it employs any individuals who work like an employee, but through their own limited company (usually a personal service company ‘PSC’) or other intermediary. Click here […]

Shepherds Bush Families Project Recruitment of New Trustees Board Members

Shepherds Bush Families Project is now in its 33rd year and supports families who are homeless and those living under acute housing stress. We are looking for 3-4 new trustees to join our dynamic board including a Treasurer, and at least 1 Trustee with company fundraising experience. Are you energetic, committed, and passionate about helping […]

Funding for Activities to Improve the Lives of the Elderly (UK)

Charities, small grassroots organisations, and other not-for-profit groups can apply for funding of up to £1,500 towards activities designed to improve the lives of the elderly across the UK. This can include events, activities or pastimes that prevent social isolation and loneliness amongst adults over the age of 55 years. The funding is being made […]