Local charities and not for profit organisations in London can apply for grants of up to £50,000 to help their recovery and renewal in a post Covid-19 future. The funding is being made available through the London Community Response Renewal grants and will support organisations over a full year starting from April 2021. The focus of the Renewal grants is on building strong communities; a new deal for young people; and ensuring a robust safety net. Renewal grants can either be for a specific project, for a partnership, or for the core costs of running and growing organisations. The closing date for applications is 12pm on the 15th February 2021. Click here
20 Dawes Road, London, SW6 7EN
Telephone 020 7952 1230
Email info@sobus.org.uk
Registered Charity No.1071089
and Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No.03471416
Sobus is a new Community Development Agency for Hammersmith & Fulham. It has been created through the merger of the Community and Voluntary Sector Association Hammersmith & Fulham (CaVSA) and the Fulham Community Partnership Trust (FCPT). Building on the strengths of both organisations, sobus aims to provide a wider range of support services for local charities, community groups, social enterprises and start up businesses.