The Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea’s Adult learning and Employment Service (ALES) are seeking organisations for the delivery of adult and family learning within the borough for the academic year 2019/20.

A formal tendering process will be launching in early 2019 to contract organisations who can provide engaging and innovative learning experiences for local communities at a grass roots level. These organisations should have previous experience of delivering learning on a small scale, or other services if they are unfamiliar with adult/family learning, to the communities they propose working with.

ALES will be offering funding (totalling in the region of £950,000) in two lots:

Lot 1: Contracts up to £25,000

For smaller organisations, or, those with little or no previous experience of delivering adult/family learning using ESFA funding.

We are looking to contract with organisations who can provide engaging and innovative learning experiences for local communities at grass roots level. These organisations should have previous experience of delivering learning on a small scale, or other services if they are unfamiliar with adult/family learning, to the communities they propose working with.

Lot 2: Contracts up to a maximum of £200,000

For organisations with a previous track record of delivering adult/family learning using ESFA funding.

Both lots will be open through a formal tender launching in early 2019.

Applications must be made via the Capital eSourcing portal: www.capitalesourcing.com.

The full specification for delivery will be available on Capital eSourcing when the funding opportunity is published in February 2019.

They recommend organisations register on Capital eSourcing in advance of February in order to be notified as soon as the opportunity becomes available.

An information session will be available for those who are unfamiliar with the Capital eSourcing application process. This session will provide an overview of the process of using this system but will not be able to give advice or guidance on how you should answer the questions in the application.

Provisional Timetable

25th January 2019:      Using Capital eSourcing Information session – (40 places available)

February 2019:           Opportunity Published

March 2019:                Closing date for applications

May 2019:                   Indicative results (notification of successful applications)

September 2019:        Delivery begins

If you are interested in attending the information session please contact: Kim.Norris@rbkc.gov.uk

Click Here for the above information in Word format.