Read moreSobus is a Community Development Agency and the Council for Voluntary Service in Hammersmith & Fulham.
networks & forums
Collaboration, networking and partnership opportunities, information and support.
training & support
Training and support to help your organisation develop and thrive.
research information & publications
Financial management and fundraising support for your organisation.
meeting rooms & office space
Modern and affordable office and meeting room space.
Register for updates
We would love to keep you posted with our news, activities and funding alerts. We will never sell or swap your details with anybody else and you can cancel at anytime.

Our Services fit into four areas:
being a broker between Voluntary & Community Sector (VCS) organisations and statutory, private and other VCS
Information and Intelligence
gathering, analysing and sharing information and intelligence on the VCS and needs of H&F
Capacity building
providing locality based capacity building
20 Dawes Road, London, SW6 7EN
Telephone 020 7952 1230
Registered Charity No.1071089
and Company Limited by Guarantee. Registered in England No.03471416
Sobus is a new Community Development Agency for Hammersmith & Fulham. It has been created through the merger of the Community and Voluntary Sector Association Hammersmith & Fulham (CaVSA) and the Fulham Community Partnership Trust (FCPT). Building on the strengths of both organisations, sobus aims to provide a wider range of support services for local charities, community groups, social enterprises and start up businesses.